Blogging is a way to communicate with a large audience about one’s ideas, interests, and information pertaining to a particular subject. When it comes to blogging, consider it to be a great environment to expand knowledge and skills to learners and by learners.

Abdul & Tasir (2024) mention that solutions are found from blogging. For example, say a learner, a part of instructional design, is entering a course that involves the use of technology. If a program is new to the designer, then finding solutions on ways to navigate the program may be helpful from a blogging website. This is because a previous instructional designer who is sharing their tips about the software may speak on ways in which they found it easier to navigate that program. It is necessary to have blogging as a way for learners to find solutions from those who have already experienced what it is that they are going through (Abdul & Tasir, 2020). Vlogging is also another way that blogging helps the educational environment. Learners can quickly retain information from shared experiences that others have gone through. Using it in the classroom would increase learner engagement (Abdullah et. al., 2023).

Blogging can also be a way for learners to collaborate with one another through online discussions and reflection. As a result, learners put their complex views on a website and develop confidence and engagement because they are participating in publishing their work. In return, blogging develops a sense of fulfilment for the learner (Abdul & Tasir, 2020).


Abdul K. N. I., & Tasir, Z. (2020). Students’ perceptions and information-sharing patterns in learning authoring system course through blogging. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 15(19), 187–199.

Abdullah, N. E., Mohamad, F., Ahmad Kamal, M. A., & Mat Isa, I. A. (2023). The acceptance of tiktok as a tool in english language learning among university students. Arab World English Journal, 14(3), 445–461.