Aries Lucero Rodriguez's Instructional Design Portfolio

Teacher. Instructional Designer. Curriculum Writer. Director

Meet Aries
If you have entered this page, then welcome to a piece of my life. Here you can explore my world and experience I have as a student pursuing instructional design.

My name is Aries. Working in collaboration and helping people is my overall passion. I have had many positions that satiate this purpose in my life. I’ve worked as a teacher for fifth grade in a general education classroom; I have created curriculum for the Flying Classroom writing STEM+ based content for K-12 learners. I have also been a clown face painter that has helped spread laughter to not only children, but the branch of their loved ones as well. Regardless of the title, helping people expand their vision is something that makes me feel whole once I have made that dream come to life.
Sometimes when we are so enthralled in our studies, it can become a little overwhelming to keep track of what we have done. We obtain lots of new information; temporarily we retain what it is that is being learned, but how can we truly create a way to remember the information, or better yet remind ourselves of the information we have learned. The purpose of this portfolio is to remind myself of all the work I have created thus far as an instructional designer.
Blogging expands the educational environment.


Read the following article to learn about the relationship between blogging and education.

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Read the following blog to learn about the definition of Microlearning, as well as an example of what that looks like.

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Personal Learning Networks (PLNs)

Personal Learning Networks (PLNs)

Read the following article to see why personal learning networks are important for scholars in any subject they want to get curious about.

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Immersive Learning

Immersive Learning

Watch the following video to discover three different ways immersive learning can be incorporated to the workplace and educational environment.

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Mobile Technology

Mobile Technology

Read the following article to see an example of introducing a new mobile technology to the educational workplace environment.

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For this project I had to put together a code of conduct. It was an infographic of 10 principles I would have as an instructional designer. These are some of the principles I created so that I would cater to an audience of visual learners. The professor allowed us to get creative and add this touch in our instructional design guide.

We must establish a way to communicate with stakeholders as an instructional designer so we can effectively create a training program. 
We must adhere to using authorized websites or ask permission from copyright/ owners of copyright while making a training program.
We must accept any kind of feedback which will also cause us to be flexible while we are creating a training program.
We should provide art and open educational resources to those serving in our community as instructional designers.

I used TikTok to make the video edits and it was a really nice practice. TikTok has many capabilities; it allows you to make short clips, reduce any background noise, and even change your voice audio. I can foresee myself using TikTok in the future for many projects. 
  • Atlanta, GA, United States
  • Teacher | Instructional Designer | Curriculum Writer | Director